
The Corte Certo version is always displayed on the left side of the title bar of the program’s main screen, as shown in the image below.


The higher the number of each set separated by dots, the more advanced that version must be in relation to the original 01.00.00, the beta version.

A version, in the context of computing, is a variant of a previous version, but always with the intention of being an evolution in relation to it. Of being, in some way, better than the last.

What can be confusing is that Corte Certo is presented in the options (let’s call it that, for now) Mini, Standard and Plus, which are often also called “versions” .

According to the definition of version, it wouldn’t even be totally wrong to call them that. After all, there is an original version, which was the first to be released, the Standard.
From it, Corte Certo Plus was developed, which offers several additional tools; and the Mini, with just basic functions.

It is also possible to say that one is better than the other, in the sense that one is more complete than the other. But that depends on your point of view: the Mini user who only needs those basic functions may find the other options, with their multiple buttons and windows, too complex. So, in your view, the Mini would be better than the others.

That’s why we prefer to name these options as editions or series. As a general rule, the development of Corte Certo always takes place in the most complete edition, the Plus, and the improvements are, at the company’s discretion, incorporated or not in the Standard and Mini.

Each edition has its own version and, although Plus is the one that brings the most news (that is, it is where the numbering changes more frequently) from time to time all the numbers are matched, to facilitate the administration of these editions.

Throughout the year, literally hundreds of versions of Corte Certo are produced, especially for the Plus edition. For reasons of confidentiality, the codes behind the three sets of numbers are not disclosed, but it is enough to know that there is a hierarchy between them: the first set changes the least, on average every year and a half; while the latter can have as many as two or three changes in the same day.

Although by definition a more recent version should indicate an evolution in relation to the previous one, this is not always the case. That is always the intention, but often the improvement it brings does not pass the tests, preventing it from being able to present progress.

It’s not rare until it brings an involution. This occurs when the pseudo-improvement is replacing a tool that, for better or worse, worked. Even more serious situations can occur, even when the improvement goes through the tests: it is because, within the fabric of algorithms, the alteration can affect any other functionality of the software, causing bugs.

When problems are detected, these versions are removed from the active stock, to prevent them from being distributed. If the bug was detected already on the client and fixed, it will receive a version with a higher ID, meaning it’s a different version than the one it had.

As a general rule, all development is always carried out in the latest versions of the program, as producing independent evolutions in intermediate versions would make product administration impractical. If a client has an old version, let’s say, from two years ago, and detects some important problem that has remained unnoticed until the new versions, however important it may be, this adjustment will not be made in the client’s version. The adjustment will be carried out in the latest version, which the customer will only be entitled to if he purchases the update.

There is no other way to act, because, otherwise, the supposed customer would receive, in addition to the adjustment, a series of other improvements already incorporated into the program over these two years without no compensation for them. Corte Certo, like other software, is marketed under the “as it is” concept, with all the qualities and possible problems of the purchased version.

To avoid situations like this, Dimensions Software offers a Maintenance Plan, which guarantees the customer the continuous receipt of new released versions (updates) in addition to the right to technical remote support.

Unlike other software whose versions are only released between long periods, after gathering a set of novelties, the releases of new versions of Corte Certo happen whenever an improvement is approved. The reasoning starts from the principle that, in a world where technology evolves so fast, it is not possible to wait for a year, a year and a half or even more to offer customers access to something already developed.

See also: Beta version, Editions or series, Bugs and Maintenance Plan.

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