
In a more generic sense, it means “giving or attributing to (something) a certain profile, a set of characteristics” (Dicionário Caldas Aulete). In the specific case of software, it is about defining standards for its operation. These standards to be defined can be user preferences or requirements.

Examples of these patterns at Corte Certo are:

  • The value of the saw thickness (kerf) to be compensated
  • The safety margin for the plate
  • Fixing the sense of texture (grain, grain, cinnamon, etc.) of the material
  • The number of cutting stages

Some of these standards, such as kerf compensation, are simple technical requirements: if you do not discount the material that the saw consumes , there is a risk that the sheet size is not enough for the calculated cutting plane. Other settings, however, are made by personal decision of the program user or cutting machine operator. This professional may want, for example, a faster calculation or that the cutting plan leads to a simpler cutting process, even with greater loss of raw material.

Therefore, it is very important to always check how the programs are configured, when you want to make a comparative analysis: not always the worst result in a certain calculation, in the comparison between two software, indicates that one of them is worse, although this possibility is not unrealistic , since the number of possible solutions for the same problem can be astronomical.

A restriction any configured condition that may interfere with the optimization calculation. Examples: entering a value for the thickness of the saw blade, forcing the texture of the material to be maintained (grain, grain, ribs, etc.), deducting a margin from the edges of the sheets, reducing the number of cutting phases, etc. In all these cases, the result could be lower use of the raw material.

Permission, in this case, usually leads to the opposite idea of restriction, that is, increase. Allowing free calculation, for example, that is, without limiting the number of cutting phases, will benefit utilization. The same occurs in the case of allowing rotation of the material during the calculation, generally allowed for smooth materials, without the obligation to maintain the orientation of the texture. But not always the results of permission will be positive. This is what happens when we increase the diversity of sizes for materials and/or parts: the complexity of the calculation will also grow and there will be less speed to reach a result.

For quick comparative tests with results achieved for a given project, Corte Certo has the tool "What happens if", which allows you to deactivate, just for the next calculation, a certain restriction so that the user has greater clarity about the difference it can make to the result.

See also: Default and Configuration.

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