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- Cálculo InversoEm vez do cálculo mais comum que responde à pergunta "quantas chapas para determinado número de peças", o Corte Certo calcula também, opcionalmente, "quantas peças de determinada medida, cabem em uma única chapa". O cálculo inverso é normalmente mais requisitado por pequenos marceneiros(...) Leia Mais
- CharacteristicMany times thecharacteristicof a certain tool in a software is called an "error", because the user thinks that a different concept of operation might be better. Whether or not the user is right,featuredoes not normally constitute an error. See also: Condition.
- ConditionThe “error” that the user sees in a section plane is not always really an error. It can simply be "condition". It is easier to understand the conditions established by the user himself: if, for example, he indicated that the plate cannot rotate because it contains veins, fibers or any texture,(...) Leia Mais
- ConfigureIn a more generic sense, it means “giving or attributing to (something) a certain profile, a set of characteristics” (Dicionário Caldas Aulete). In the specific case of software, it is about defining standards for its operation. These standards to be defined can be user preferences or(...) Leia Mais
- CustomizeOutside most Brazilian 2012 dictionaries, customizar appears in theCaldas Aulete,of Lusitanian origin, very succinctly and with the exception that the word is not well accepted, since that we have the wordpersonalizar, in Portuguese. For those who do searches on Google, however, the word(...) Leia Mais
- Cut Plans or Cut ProjectsIn the context of this glossary, the Cutting plan can be defined as a set of instructions or indications to guide the cutting of a material from which parts are to be taken. These plans contain practical and precise instructions to save time with a minimum of error, when cutting. These(...) Leia Mais
- Cutting patternsThe multiplicity of restrictions and requirements for the two-dimensional cutting plane can also generate an infinity of different cutting schemes for the same order. Some of these restrictions/requirements are: thickness of the saw, squareness of the sheet, direction of the grain/groove of(...) Leia Mais
- Cutting PhaseA sequence of guillotine cuts (from one side of the plate to the other) in the same direction – horizontally or vertically – makes up a cutting phase, eventually also called the cutting stage. Thus, when requesting a two-phase cutting plan, it is expected to rotate only once (2nd phase) the(...) Leia Mais