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Can you provide examples of file layouts read by Corte Certo?

< 1 min read

For the information present in the CSV or TXT file to be correctly interpreted by Corte Certo, it must follow the exact sequence in the table below:Part Height td>

SequenceInformationType of InformationExample
1Part CodeNumeric45 td>
2Number of piecesNumeric20
3Part WidthNumeric340
5Part MaterialNumeric200
6Part DescriptionAlpha – NumericBack of closet

Therefore, in the CSV file each line will contain six fields, separated by a comma, as in the example below:


In the TXT file each line will contain seven fields, separated by TAB:

150 214 124 99000 piece 1 paint
2 40 315 121 99000 piece2 drill
3 20 218 222 99000 cap1 drill
4 30 418 300 99000 cap2 drill

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