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Are automatic cuts superior to manually planned cuts?

2 minutos de leitura

The advanced cutting planning algorithms used in the system allow automatic calculation to be superior. This is already proven by the use of the system over the last few years.

But it is necessary to note: Corte Certo, as well as all cutting plane optimizers, is mainly aimed at medium and large projects, in which it becomes unbeatable, when compared to human performance, from the point of view of yield with velocity.

In small projects it is not impossible for an experienced cutter to achieve similar or even better results in either case. Even so, the high number of users of Corte Certo in small companies or artisans amply proves the usefulness of the program also for small projects. It is also not impossible that a good analyst, having an automatically calculated project in hand, can see changes that would make the cutting plan even better.

It was with this in mind that the developers equipped Corte Certo Plus, years ago, with its post-editing system (or manual editing), which allows the cutter to re-edit the automatically generated cutting planes, with the help of the mouse. The idea comes from that time that Corte Certo had turned good cutters into cutting analysts – professionals who, by analyzing the generated diagrams and keeping in mind data not provided to the program (such as those of future projects) – are able to improve even more the yield of the material.

More recently this system has evolved even more, becoming the only one in the world to gather so many tools.


Corte Certo offers three “calculation power” options: fast, complete and intensive. It is up to the user to assess the ideal calculation power for use in the company, taking into account the available equipment (the computer where Corte Certo is installed) and the size of the projects (number of pieces) normally carried out, considering that the last options may take much more time to wait.

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