Very often, those who ask this question really want to know: can I install a single Corte Certo license on a server and, from there, make it possible for any user connected to the network to access and use the program? The answer is no. Corte Certo is a single-user program and must be installed directly on the computer where it will be used. The program can be easily transferred to other computers, as many times as necessary, but its simultaneous use by multiple users is not possible.
For customers who have more than one license of the program, it is possible, through the network: to import projects from another computer that also has Corte Certo installed and also to print on a printer connected to the network. For users of the program’s most complete series, Plus, it is also possible to centralize materials on the server and send cutting orders to a computer chosen by users as the central one. However, even in this case, it is not possible to install Corte Certo on a server to be accessed by one or more users.