Corte Certo 2D Standard


Annual subscription

It does what Mini does and counts the cuts, generates labels, and calculates finishing for the edges. Offers a manual editor for custom adjustments in the cutting plan.

Does everything the Mini does, with more features. With this Standard edition you can, for example, save even more time by importing listings from Excel, Word or various other software (see Integration – Software). Another recent example almost does the magic of transforming a manual cutting machine into a semi-automatic one, by synchronizing the issuance of labels with the cutting of parts.

Now, if your company cuts with saws (furniture, for example) or guillotines, there is another technological differential that leaves competing software miles away: cutting plans calculated for cuts in phases.

And there are also the great classics that made the name Corte Certo: the budget module, the calculation and pricing of edge finishes (edge ribbons, for example), calculation of sets/modules, solution for restocking patchwork stock, etc.

But if you really want to see the difference between Corte Certo and other similar products, ask for a demonstration of the manual post-editing system.

Functions of Corte Certo Standard:

– Calculation in cutting phases (special for sectioning machines and guillotines)

– Import data from other software (see)

– Registration and automatic use of scraps

– Sheet and scrap inventory control

– Budget module

– Set calculation/project merge

– Sheet sandwich calculation

– Tags;

– Calculation of edge tapes;

– Manual post-editing

– Others (Read more in Compare Versions)

 Other functions (also present in the Corte Certo Mini)

– Optimization of rectangular cutting planes.

– Option to respect the direction of the fibers or grooves of the material.

– Fast Typing Functions

– Registration (manual) and reuse of scraps.

– Projects can have different materials.

– The registered materials and projects are saved for future use.

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