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Why have Corte Certo?

Corte Certo Offer instantaneous profit! Do you need more? Well, there is more!
Every time Corte Certo is used it saves money on the spot, which would have been thrown away in the form of waste. This is the easiest way to make money: stop wasting it. The best raw material yield, which is an indispensable item in any list of attributes deriving from Corte Certo, is only one among various benefits that the program can offer.
- Performs calculations that could take hours if done manually, in seconds
- Minimizes loss and waste of materials.
- Speeds up cost calculations.
- Quickly verifies the amount of sheets necessary to meet requirements for an order.
- Allows for better purchases to be made through previous testing to define ideal sizes for sheets.
- Cost reduction with stock, since available sheets as well as remnants are more efficiently managed and a smaller stock is necessary.
- Standardizes documentation for cutters and distributors, preventing against misinterpretation, making communication easier for those involved in the ordering and cutting process and saving time.
- Reduce the number of errors with the cut (example: double cuts).
- Allows for greater precision in cost calculation using data from the statistic report.
- Makes a company more competitive (prevents against it being overtaken by the competition).
- When installed on a laptop computer, Corte Certo makes for an excellent Sales tool on visits to clients (for distributors of sheets/coils).
- Allows for installing and locking an exclusive library so that licenses can be furnished to distributors or as a free promotional gift to clients (suppliers and distributors).
- In cases such as the above, the client’s logo may be included to be displayed on opening the program.
- Quick and easy e-mail support.
- Special training is not required, and retraining in the event of upgrades or employee substitution is unnecessary.
- Over fifteen years of ongoing development, making for greater prevention against bugs and glitches.
- Over fifteen years of ongoing development, giving you a greater guarantee of continuity.
- Truly low cost when compared to similar products that have been around for just as long and have similar features.