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What happens in case of accidental loss, HD burning, computer theft, user misinformation, program misinformation?

< 1 min read

The common reasoning in the software market says that if an accident happens to the customer, its costs should fall on him and not on the supplier. Because of this, many suppliers require a new payment of the full value of the license to rehabilitate it.

For our part, even agreeing with this reasoning and still taking into account that this has been a quite used subterfuge for the illegal activation of new copies of the program (that is, piracy), we try to be more flexible.

When a password is released, our management software asks for one of two things – either proof of payment or a license removal code. Anything outside of this should be documented as credibly as possible to meet audit requirements. Which, of course, generates costs. Therefore, in addition to this completed document, we also charge a fee that is independent of the Maintenance and Updates plan fee.

In a still very new market like ours, traditional marketing laws do not always prove to be adequate and there is constant adoption of experiences from other developers. We are also 100% open to any suggestions you may have.

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